A Powerful Question

Posted On: August 4

I was reading a book and came across what I thought was a compelling question with a powerful answer.

How do you want to feel?
  • Confident
  • Strong
  • Kind
  • Generous
  • Joyful
  • Loving
  • Important
  • Competent
  • Passionate
  • Playful

The list goes on…

You can choose a single word or string a few together to develop something like; joyful, loving, and playful.

Important note: do not write successful. Successful is a feeling that encompasses many other emotions. You must think more deeply about what you genuinely want to feel and uncover the components of that feeling. Success means something entirely different for each person that envisions it. Whatever you list, take a moment to make sure you got to the real heart of the feeling.

Also, do not feel ashamed about the way you want to feel. You want to feel important, influential, and affluent. That is fine. It is the way you want to feel.

Once you determine the way you want to feel, the next question is.

 What do I need to do to feel that way?

I will use myself as an example. I want to feel helpful.

From a work standpoint, I want to feel that I am adding real value to other people and helping them to become more successful. By whatever definition of success they may have. What makes me feel that way is when a client tells me that I have taught them something that will significantly impact the success of the organization and/or themselves. To me, the feeling is one of humble pride. I have done my work well. I told the truth, shared my ideas, and given my best advice. I feel honored that I had the opportunity to be of service.

For many years, I have known my vision, “To help people and businesses be more successful.” But it was not until I went through this exercise that I understood how that makes me feel and think through what I need to do to capture that feeling. So, I ask you.

How do you want to feel?
What do you need to do every day to feel like that?

If you need help developing your leadership skills, send me a note. I would love to assist you. john@johnspence.com

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